Spiritual Blog
How & Why ‘The Upstairs’ Made Me Ill!
I wouldn't like to think what my life would be like without my Angels and when I became ill, it was the second dark time they came to my rescue - the first being my divorce. By sharing this part of my journey I know it will help you too. Discover more on this...
Confessions Of A Psychic – Understanding Your Guidance
During difficult and dark times we can often forget to ask for help from our Angels. It is so easy to get caught up in the drama of our situation. We'll then often ask for help and expect some massive, obvious sign from the Angels that they are there, helping us. ...
Grumpy People
We are lucky to get quite a few emails here at Angel HQ and most of them are lovely, thank us for our work and appreciate our help sorting out any issues someone may have. We also get a sprinkling of grumpy emails. You know the type, the sort of person who is never...
Coping In Difficult Times
We all have difficulties times in life. After all, it teaches us so much when we can detach from the drama. If we didn’t have the hard times we wouldn’t appreciate the good times as much. The point of this blog is to give you some pointers of how I cope in...
Confessions Of A Psychic – When You Have A Dream But No Idea How To Manifest It
So what do you do when you have a big dream but have no idea how to make it happen? This can feel overwhelming when there are dreams that you really want to manifest. This is because you are very much in your current reality. Have a think about your dream and how...
Confessions Of A Psychic – Turn Your Hobby Into Your Business
How did I turn my hobby into my full time career and use it to support my family? Currently I've been reflecting on how far I've come in my business, as it's 10 years old next year. I wake up every day excited to get up and do the work I absolutely love, it is my...
Confessions Of A Psychic – Let’s Talk About YOU!
How ofter do you put yourself first? How often do you do what you need to for you? That is my question to you. I've had a really tough time recently and this week have started to redress the balance by ensuring I'm making time for me - like getting up extra early...
Confessions Of A Psychic – Check In On What You Are Manifesting!
A really good solid manifesting and spiritual development practise is important. So I'd like you to work out where you are at right now. In this week's Confessions Of A Psychic, I will walk you through a process to discover where you are at so you can ensure you are...
Confessions Of A Psychic – When Life Gives You Curveballs
What do you do when life throws up obstacles? Life is currently throwing me plenty of unexpected curveballs. I talk a lot about how great it is to manifest and about my life with the Angels when things are going swimmingly. So I feel it's equally important for me...
I Am Moving From My Dream House!
Yes, I am on the move again. Move number 19 to be exact! I joke that I must have gipsy blood but one thing is for sure I need furniture with wheels on it. It is only 7 months since my last move and I am off again. I never thought I would be moving so quickly when I...