Spiritual Blog


What If I Get It Wrong?

What If I Get It Wrong?

  Trust   Spiritual connections are built on trust.  It is not that we don’t trust spirit, but we doubt what we are getting.  The fear of what if we get it wrong holds us back from speaking the truth of the message. So many people know they should be doing...

Hiding in My Spiritual Closet was a Huge Block

Hiding in My Spiritual Closet was a Huge Block

When I Was Young   I was very gifted as a young child in seeing spirit, this is not unusual I should add.  Most children up to the age of around 7 do.  The invisible friends they talk about are often their Angels and Guides.  My experiences became quite intense...

How My Secret Hobby Became My Multiple 6 Figure Business

How My Secret Hobby Became My Multiple 6 Figure Business

How it all started   It was 12 years ago now that I started my spiritual business and I have so much to share on this on what you should do and not do.  Quite honestly, I probably should have started it sooner but I was confused, scared and unsure how to go about...

What Covid Taught Me.

What Covid Taught Me.

I'M BACK!   I can’t tell you how good it is to be back at Angel HQ even if I am only slowly returning back to full speed.  Honestly, the last 3 weeks have been the worst I have experienced and I never want to go through that again. I had a real fight on my hands...

Am I doing Meditation right?

Am I doing Meditation right?

WHAT IS RIGHT?   Meditation is often a big part of a good spiritual practice. I have been a daily meditator for more years than I care to mention. (I was actually going to say how many it was but then it made me feels so old, so I will leave that out and address...

When you need motivation

When you need motivation

MOTIVATION OR INSPIRATION   We all need motivation.. Or do we? I don’t know about you but when my get up and go, gets up and goes I automatically think I need motivation.  I can think of countless times when I have thought that. I have come to realise it is never...

Clairaudience is an old myth

Clairaudience is an old myth

Myth?   Clairaudience is a myth.  Well, that is what I think. Let me explain.... So many people want to hear their guidance from their Angels and Guides direct and think because they are not hearing it and it has not been shouted in their ear they can’t do it....

Manifesting Your Dream Car

Manifesting Your Dream Car

Clarity   Whether it  is a brand new Range Rover, Vintage VW Camper or just a little run around, the first thing you need is clarity. The Universe cannot delivery anything to you without the clarity of knowing what you want. I am proud to say I have just...

With Expansion Comes Fear

With Expansion Comes Fear

I Love My Cars So, this week I have manifested one of my BIG dreams. I am a car person and I love a nice car. I love how I feel when I drive a nice car and, as we know, manifesting is all about how we feel. I want to feel good as much as possible so I'm naturally...

Lost your Connection?

Lost your Connection?

Have we been deserted? We can all go through periods when we feel like our Angels and Guides have deserted us.  We feel alone and have lost connection. Quite honestly, it feels dreadful.  We can even feel angry and upset with them, I mean how dare they desert us. We...