Limiting Beliefs Always Leave Us Stuck

Limiting Beliefs Always Leave Us Stuck

Our beliefs are what we believe to be true so our behaviour matches that. ย It is what will manifest too based on the limiting beliefs we fully believe.   Negative Beliefs The interesting thing is there is always a big dominant belief behind the smaller beliefs,...
The New Me

The New Me

I really do feel like a different person, yet I donโ€™t have a different life. ย Everything is still the same. The same work, the same home, the same relationships, doing the same things with my friends and my family. ย Yet now I am doing it all so differently. Things...
Me Time & Balance

Me Time & Balance

Over in the UK we have just had a Bank Holiday which here at Angel HQ means extra family time. I love family time and am so grateful that we are close family that actually enjoys spending time together. It always comes as a trade-off though and I want to be honest...
Questions to journal on when you lose your enthusiasm

Questions to journal on when you lose your enthusiasm

I have been feeling a bit unsettled of late, nothing I could put my finger on. To be honest I wish I could have done. As nothing was wrong but I could also feel something was not right. You know what I mean I am sure. It just felt like something was missing with my...
Orgasms Are A Manifesting Hack!

Orgasms Are A Manifesting Hack!

Connecting with Angels, using Law of Attraction to enable me to turn my life around and manifest the things I want, has been incredible energy to use. Keeping that positive mind and noticing when my thoughts are not serving me. Working through my own limiting beliefs...