Spiritual Blog
Confessions Of A Psychic – Meet Your Guardian Angel Exercise
Most people are under the illusion that to connect with their Angel is a long, drawn-out procedure where they have to sit in meditation for ages, but this is just not the case. There is an easier way to connect, I talk more about this in my latest Confessions Of A...
Confessions Of A Psychic – What Do Angelic Number Signs Mean?
What does it really mean when you see Angelic numbers like 111, 222, 333, 1111, all these sorts of number synchronicities? These are really significant signs from your Angels that you are heading in the right direction, so don't doubt what you are doing. These...
Confessions Of A Psychic – What Your Angel Can Help You With
The main thing to remember is that your Angel is unable to help you unless you ask. Even I sometimes forget to ask! They give you the inner strength that you need, along with helping your manifestations. They will always give you what you need. I talk more about...
Confessions Of A Psychic – How To Deal With Blocks, Fears and Limiting Beliefs
We all have these, including me. So where do they come from? They can come from a past experience in this or a past life. They could also be ancestral baggage that has been passed down the generations. As much as they are a pain to deal with they are also full of...
Confessions Of A Psychic – What My Orange Cloak Told Me!
My cloak of protection turned orange at the weekend. This has never happened before and was a big surprise as the usual colour is a creamy yellow. What could this mean? I talk more about this in my latest Confessions Of A Psychic. Tuesday 19th June 2018
Confessions Of A Psychic – I’m Having A Bad Day
Am I really? Could you turn today into a bad day by beating yourself up too easily over something that has happened? If this is how you are thinking you will attract more of the same. I talk more about this in my latest Confessions Of A Psychic. Tuesday 12th...
The Universe Doesn’t Test You – It Gives You What You Believe You Deserve
Another way of saying this is the Universe gives you what you feel worthy of or are aligned to. We all want the best for ourselves but do we really feel worthy of it? We have had past experiences that have shaped us, past lives and even ancestral patterns that can...
Do Not Have A Rainy Day Fund
Do Not Have A Rainy Day Fund I was walking out of a local grocery shop when I noticed a pin board with lots of Post-It notes on it. I am still not exactly sure what it was about but I got the feeling it was everyone trying to win some cash to spend in the...
Confessions Of A Psychic – Why My Morning Spiritual Practice Is Like A Cup Of Tea
First thing on a morning I need a cup of tea along with my Morning Spiritual Practice. I call it my 'plugging-in time'. I have found if I miss this important practice I end up spending the day chasing my tail. I talk more about this in my latest Confessions Of A...
Is Something Missing?
Is Something Missing? Often, people look like they have it all. They have a good job, great life, friends, holidays, relationship, great home, health. But something is missing! They come and have a session and talk about how whatever they do, they feel they...