Why are all these celebrities dying in 2016?
This year certainly has rocked us in ways that have left so many sadden hearts. So many icons and celebrities have passed. It seems hardily a week goes by without another one hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons.
It is tough hearing this. The memories we have linked to them maybe quite dear to us, it makes us question our morality.
So why are so many creative souls are passing at this time, there are links relating to numerology and and the number 9 which is completion and what 2016 is. Sadly, this won’t be the last we will hear of these sad passing’s. 2016 is giving us a wake up call to those of us still here.
The question of why are are these celebrities dying in 2016? Is not what we should be asking, instead what can we learn from all these celebrities passing over?
What can we learn from all these celebrities passing over?
There is nothing we can do about when our time is up, but there is plenty we can do when we are still here. So what can we take from constant flow of hearing of celebrities passing that we can use to expand and improve our life?
I believe there is plenty. It can make us become present and grateful for the life we have. We can make changes and stretch forward into the life we want.
Life may not be perfect in fact it is very unlikely it will be anything like perfect but it still can be enjoyed. So many are focusing on what is wrong and that will only bring more of that to them.
The past is behind us and today is all we have. It it no good looking back and having regrets. We need to be present and live with what we have, learning to give gratitude for all things big and small. Just for waking up each day, the sunshine, rainfall, clean drinking water, smiles, there is so much to be grateful for even when life is less than perfect. The more you can do that the more you will attract good things in and repel the things you don’t want.
The bigger lesson I am taking from all these celebrities passing is enjoy life, it can end too soon. What things are you putting off because you “have” to do something instead of doing what you enjoy.
Do you have regrets?
Imagine if you fast forward in time and get to the pearly gates, what regrets will you have?
It’s your chance now to lose the regret. Go for it, enjoy and have gratitude for everything and everyone now.
Life’s too short to not live your potential. How do you want to be remembered, what do you need to do to make that happen?
If you are wanting helping achieving your dreams the Universe is waiting to support you. You are a natural born manifester already using Law of Attraction but quite possibly not to it’s full potential. If you manifest subconsciously you will attract things you don’t want. However, when you do it consciously you will attract what you do want and get the success you align too.
The celebrities that have recently passed were living their dreams, they were doing what made them happy. What will make you happy and what do you need to change to make that happen?
If you would like some more help with this, I offer a free session to people wanting to join my VIP Happiness Generator. To apply please email me at info@mystic-moon.co.uk.
Meanwhile don’t forget to download my FREE Secret Tips for happiness & prosperity Click Here