Something I like to keep in mind, is this….what others think of me is none of my business.
I remember when I was bothered about what people thought, that was because I wanted to fit in and be liked.
Quite honestly now due to all the work I have done on myself especially having Timeline therapy and working with my unconscious mind daily, I don’t need to do that anymore. I have come to realise I was never meant to fit in.
That is so liberating and freeing, if you like me great and if you don’t that is also ok too.
It boils down to self acceptance and leads me to live life I am comfortable with.
I was recently chatting with a 1:1 client who felt self conscious in a swimsuit. It might sound mad but for me as a big woman it is one of my favourite things to wear. (I could tell you about I time I went out clubbing in my wild days wearing a swimsuit and skirt but best not!) Anyway, if you have ever been to a spa or swimming pool with me, you will know I have no problem wearing a swimsuit whoever is there, maybe it is my inner mermaid.
I adopt this though in all aspects of my life and in business I find it really helpful.
There is so much noise out there regarding business – what we should be doing, what we shouldn’t be doing – it is overwhelming.
When I do what is right for me in business and personal life I am making the right decisions for me and only thinking about what I think, not what others will think leads to different actions and results.
One of the big ways is testimonials, sure they are lovely to get but I don’t take much notice. That is equally important when I get not so nice emails, and yes that does happen. That doesn’t affect me either because you can’t please all the people all the time, only some of the people some of the time and what others think of you is none of your business.