Synchronicities Are Angel Signs


Synchronicities Are Angel Signs

Our Angels are giving us signs all the time, the thing is we don’t always notice them.  Our signs can also change so you might have always got feathers and now they have stopped so you can be forgiven for thinking your Angel has left you. Rest assured, this is not the case, just they will be giving you other signs.

Just recently my signs have been synchronicities and I want to expand on this so you can fully understand what exactly they might mean for you.

The synchronicities might seem a bit random, but I know the synchronicities are Angel signs.  As it is how it feels to me that is important.  Just like how your signs feel to you.


My Synchronicities

The first one I am sharing is when I was working with a one to one client on my Happiness Generator.  We were preparing a visualisation about an exciting date night with her new man she was working on manifesting.  After detailing the whole evening, it got to the end of the night and I didn’t feel it was appropriate to go into too much personal details of how the night ended in passion, so I just said – dot, dot, dot.  (Like they did in Mamma Mia).  We were both started laughing and never thought much about it.

Later that night the TV was on in our house and as I walked through the living room the programme that was on was Gogglesprogs, were children are watching TV and commenting on it.  The programme they were watching was Mamma Mia and the clip I saw as I walked through was were they were reading from the diary and saying dot, dot, dot!

It made me smile, as I knew my Angel was giving me a sign and they were with me and totally supporting me.

Two synchronicities happened when I was in the hairdressers this week.  I was scrolling down my newsfeed on Facebook and someone had posted a picture of peonies.  Almost instantly I was asked to move chairs in the salon and as I turned there were the same beautiful pink peonies in a vase.  I took a quick photo of them at the time and posted it on a friend’s thread feeling so reassured I was not on my own and being looked after.

The second that also happened in the salon one of the stylist was commenting about her hair saying she looked like Worsel Gummage.  It was a UK 70/80’s kids TV show.  It took me back for a moment thinking about the slightly strange show were a scarecrow used to come to life.  I never though much else until the next day again on Facebook on my newsfeed someone had posted a picture of Worsel Gummage.  It did make me smile when I saw it, what is the chance of that happening?

The final one I want to share relates to music and whilst often there is messages in music with the lyrics like the Angel On My Side by Rick Astley that I blogged about last week.  This one is not specific with the words though.  I went shopping and as I was driving in my car a track came on whilst I was at a specific junction on the way there.  I was singing along not taking much notice, went and did my shopping and on the way home the same upbeat track came on at exactly the same junction, again making me sing along to it and this reminded me it happened on the way there too.  I don’t believe there are any coincidences just synchronicities which to me is a bit of Angel Magic.


Your Angel is always with you

It is so reassuring to know your Angel is with you, so keeping alert for your signs will give you great comfort.

Of course there are many ways you can get synchronicities these were just some of mine.  Just remember synchronicities are Angel signs. My intention is by sharing this with you so you can recognise some of your signs too as they can be easy to miss.  If you would like to get to know your Angel I am giving away copies of my meditation to Meet Your Guardian Angel below.




Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic” is a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love. Amanda teaches them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Amanda is also a Natural Healer, Reiki Master, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist,  Time Line™  Practitioner and an International Best-Selling Author who has featured on television, radio and is a columnist for Fate & Fortune Magazine.  Amanda is the creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process that she teaches in her membership club. Amanda also runs 5 * Angels in Anglesey Exclusive Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Bootcamp plus various online programmes and 1:1 work encompassing Angels, Spiritual Development and the Universal Laws.


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