Make Your Dreams Come True

Make Your Dreams Come True

I am a great believer in Vision Boards and tell all my clients to do them.  I always have one on the go filled with big dreams and little things too.  I love how things just turn up on them with very little effort, they really do make your dreams come true.

I have had something on my vision board for probably a few years now but never been able to have it.  One of the reasons was due to where we lived.

However, when we moved earlier this year the new house had the perfect space for my dream of having my own hot tub.


It is where I receive my guidance

I love water and joke I must have been a mermaid in a past life.  I swim a few times a week and then sit in the hot tub and meditate at the leisure club.  It is where I receive a lot of my guidance.

So when we moved house this time my dream of a hot tub felt closer than ever, so I cranked up my manifesting practices as I know when I do that it happens for real in no time at all.

I am stickler for my manifesting practices and teach all my one to one clients how to do this on my Happiness Generator.  I have created a series of simple exercises to hold your energy in place so your manifestations turn up fast and in the most unexpected ways.


I spoke about it with confidence

I started announcing it to people I was going to get a hot tub.  I told clients, mentioned it in my free classes and spoke about it with confidence as I knew it would turn up when I did that.

When I put my furniture on the patio I left space for my hot tub.  I have to say people did ask why was there a gap but I confidently told them that was where the hot tub was going.  It was funny to watch their raised eyebrows, but I had to leave space for it, so the Universe knew.  One day my son put some wood there and I asked him to move it as that was where my hot tub was going.  He said “you haven’t even ordered it yet mum”.  I told him it didn’t matter the Universe was dealing with it.

Even when we had my son’s 18th birthday BBQ and chairs where placed where the hot tub was going I asked people were enjoying sitting in my hot tub.  Some played along and some probably thought I was a bit mad, but I didn’t care I knew it was coming.

With my family we had conversations that others if they heard us would think we were definitely bonkers.  Things like – don’t go in the hot tub with your clothes on, careful you don’t drip everywhere.  I have had a tough day, can’t wait to get in the hot tub.  It is so lovely and warm in here, are you coming in?

I am sure you get the picture. I don’t think anyone didn’t know I was getting one and it was great to have a family that would play along with it as they know how the Universe works.

When I was at the leisure club sat in their hot tub I would visualise I was sat in mine on my patio.

It didn’t take long and they kept coming in to my reality everywhere I looked.  On Facebook they were always coming up in my newsfeed.


I followed my signs

I even went to the hairdressers one day and on the way there the was a hot tub shop I came across that I didn’t even know was there before then.  I said to the Universe if there was a parking space I would go in, sure enough there was.  So I parked and went in.

I was looking at them all and knew what I wanted as had tried many out over the years and want one that would giver really good massages.  This was not a cheap purchase and something definitely of a luxury indulgence, but I knew too I deserved it. Whilst I have done cars, house, holidays these all felt a necessary the hot tub is certainly not an everyday item.

As I was talking to the man in the shop and I felt the need to help him I was manifesting one and about my vision board.  He said are you into all “that” sort of stuff!  I said yes I most certainly am why?  He then asked me do I believe in Angels?  Well, I guess you know the answer to that one.  We had a fab conversation about how he met his Angel when he had a near death experience.

I took this as another sign.  I was still not sure how the hot tub would come or still even the exact model I wanted but I knew it was closer than ever.

When I got home I searched on the internet to find this hot tub shop I had been to and came across another a bit further away.

I decided to go and visit it the following weekend as it did preloved hot tubs.  I was not keen on that idea to begin with but 3 people said to me why don’t you just get a used one, so this sychroncitic message hit home and I took as a sign and something I should consider.

Later in the week in the local supermarket I found some plastic wine glasses that I thought would be perfect to have my Prosecco in sat in my hot tub, so I bought them confident I would be able to use them soon.  This did get a snigger from a certainly family member that thought I had done it the wrong way round.  However, I had to show the Universe I was serious so it would deliver.

When I arrived at the showroom I was greeted with a lovely lady who explained everything and showed me round.  She asked what I did and when I told her her face lit up as she explained about how a little robin visits her in the office and she feels it is her dad.

Later on when we were sat down going through everything my voice went all croaky as it does when I have spirit and knew it was her dad.  I couldn’t carry on talking to her till I had delivered her message.  She loved hearing from her dad and I knew this was the place the place to get my hot tub as I saw two tubs that were a perfect match for me.


Default Setting

One I could afford with ease, the other was bit more pricey but newer and a better model making it cheaper to run.  I went home with all the details to mull it over.  I knew what I wanted but I also knew what I could afford.

After thinking about it, measuring it out. Humming and haring over it all I made the sensible decision to go for the one I could easily afford. Though I have to say even after I had made payment I kept thinking it should be the other one I should have.

So it came with no surprise when the day before the man called me and said he had found a problem with the one I picked it had developed a leak.  Needless to say he offered me the one I really wanted instead!  Why, because everything always works out for me is my default setting with Universe.

So not only do I have a lovely new hot tub, but I some lovely new customers too.

I am super excited too as on my next VIP day there will be a hot tub session for those who want to meditate and relax in it.

If you want to make your dreams come true, check out my daily abundance routines as they form part of my manifesting practices and you can download then below.




Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic” is a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love. Amanda teaches them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Amanda is also a Natural Healer, Reiki Master, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist,  Time Line™  Practitioner and an International Best-Selling Author who has featured on television, radio and is a columnist for Fate & Fortune Magazine.  Amanda is the creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process that she teaches in her membership club. Amanda also runs 5 * Angels in Anglesey Exclusive Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Bootcamp plus various online programmes and 1:1 work encompassing Angels, Spiritual Development and the Universal Laws.


Taking your Manifesting from fizzle to sizzle!

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