We are all far more connected that we often think.ย We have guidance all the time coming to us in many ways. It might be words in a book, synchronicities, messages in music, seeing feathers etc but how to follow your inspired guidance can be confusing.
How do you act upon it?ย How do you know if it is really guidance or you just making it up?
It all comes down to trust and acting upon what often feels right, using your sixth sense or gut instinct to lead you to do something.
You can watch my video which will explain more and shows a real example of how I followed my intuition and started recording with no idea about what it was about.
I just trusted and went with it.ย We never go far wrong when we use this incredible ability which is guidance from above.
You will know when it is right because everything will flow, life will slot into place with ease. ย There is the hard way and there is the inspired supported way, that is what we are all looking to have.
Watch now for more help on how to follow inspired guidance.
Remember inspired guidance is subtle, the more you pay attention to it the easier it becomes to understand and importantly.
If you would like to learn more about developing your skills Angel Club would be perfect for you. ย Each month a new module plus live event. ย All from the comfort of your own home. ย Find out more by clicking here.