How to hold it together when it’s all going wrong!

How to hold it together when it’s all going wrong!

Feeling connected, supported  and in the flow of a life.  That is what we are all striving for isn’t?

I guess there are some misconceptions that people often assume and that is when you connect with the Angels all your problems will go away, nothing will go wrong again.

This is far from the truth!

When we connect with our Angels problems certainly lesson but that is due to the fact our energy changes and they give us ability to cope, so life DOES actually get easier.  We learn to be more aware of where our thoughts and feelings are going, start to consciously manifest rather than subconsciously.

This is when we combine Law of Attraction and connecting with our Angels it is what I call Manifesting with your Angels.  This makes it a very powerful tool to create a life we love.


We are always supported by the Universe and Angels

I was recently reminded about how things can go wrong in life even when we are connected, but how the Universe and our Angels supports us.

We moved house and as I have a business that works from home the business moved too. I set up new phone and broadband prior to the move and it was all organised to be installed the day after we moved.

What could go wrong?

Well, as it turned out lots!


How to run an internet business with no broadband 

As an internet business broadband is vital both for sales and my one to one client work.  Following the move, I organised to take a week off work to get sorted out little did I know that it would be 6 weeks before I was able to start working fully.

Sadly, the broadband provider did not fulfil their promises and without going into details 6 weeks I was without broadband.

Like everything especially when things are going wrong I wondered what was the lesson was in this.  I realised it was TRUST.  I didn’t have to trust the broadband company.  I had to trust life, my Angels and the Universe.

One of my favourite mind-set exercises is to do affirmations.  They change the subconscious mind to beliefs that serve us better.

Two of my favourites I use even when I have no idea what is really happening is:

  • Everything always works out for me.
  • The Universe has my back.

I used these like crazy all through this period.  I trusted totally is would all get sorted out.  In fact these are my step by step things to do when life is throwing you a curve ball and feels like it is all going wrong.

  1. Talk about the problem as little a possible. The Universe is always listening and responding the more you talk about your problems the more problems you get.  I kept trusting it would get resolved.  I focused on the end result I wanted.  Not on the problems.
  2. I kept repeating the affirmations, which made me relax and trust it would all work out even if I didn’t know how. The HOW is never our job. It stopped me from panicking that I wouldn’t earn any money.
  3. I followed inspired action, this was what my intuition was telling me to do. In my case it was to end the contract with the old supplier and start from scratch with a new one.
  4. I accepted all offers of help in this period.
  5. I was very thankful of all the help and the understanding clients.


There is always a lesson life is school for the soul!

What actually happened for me was:

  • I didn’t talk about the stuff going wrong.  I aligned my energy still on being a successful business and getting wonderful clients.
  • I accepted offers of using other people’s internet.  I was on line a lot less in that time but it never affected my business.  The time when I was online and made offers people bought them like crazy.
  • I was also offered a holiday in this period so I took it and enjoyed the time off to it’s full advantage.  This wouldn’t have come to me if I was in a panic mode.

It would have been so easy to go into fear of not being able to earn money and I dread to think what could have happened and how much worse I could have made it by having fear attached.

What did I learn as I believe we are always learning and what seems like a huge problem often has the greatest lessons hidden in them.  Life is school for the soul.

The Universe is always working for us.  Sometimes you need to look at how you do things and spend your time.  I spent far too long working.  You don’t have to work hard to earn money.  I am always supported when I don’t block it and go into fear, so are you! So next time you are wondering how you can hold it together when it is all going wrong, focus on the end result you want.

I hope by sharing this you will be able to hold it together when it’s all going wrong.  If you would like to learn more about manifesting I am currently giving away copies of my Manifesting with Your Angels Meditation.  Download your copy below:




Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic” is a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love. Amanda teaches them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Amanda is also a Natural Healer, Reiki Master, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist,  Time Line™  Practitioner and an International Best-Selling Author who has featured on television, radio and is a columnist for Fate & Fortune Magazine.  Amanda is the creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process that she teaches in her membership club. Amanda also runs 5 * Angels in Anglesey Exclusive Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Bootcamp plus various online programmes and 1:1 work encompassing Angels, Spiritual Development and the Universal Laws.


Taking your Manifesting from fizzle to sizzle!

If you are ready for more support CLICK HERE to check out my latest FREE resources.  


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