We are lucky to get quite a few emails here at Angel HQ and most of them are lovely, thank us for our work and appreciate our help sorting out any issues someone may have.
We also get a sprinkling of grumpy emails. You know the type, the sort of person who is never happy no matter how you try to help.
What I have come to realise is, no wonder the grumpy people have so many more issues. Maybe lost emails, IT equipment not working correctly, low or no funds in their accounts for example.
Everything is energy and when we focus on what is wrong we are just going to get more of it.
When we lack gratitude in our lives we have more things to grumble about.
Life doesn’t always go to plan but there is always something to be grateful for. So I urge you, whatever situation you are in right now, look for the positives, actively seek them out and acknowledge them. It’s the only way to turn it around.
You could make list, do a gratitude journal or just tell someone. The more you have to be grateful for the more you will have to be grateful for and that has to be better than being a grumpy grumbler!
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