Going Home


Going Home

End Of Life, or is it?

I am honestly not sure how to start this post as it is one of the most incredible things I have ever had the privilege experience to witness. It has also taken me a few months to be able to share such a personal thing with you all.  However, my hope is by sharing this experience it will help many of you.

People often talk about witnessing a birth being special but this was off the scale in awesomeness for me.

What I am taking about is the passing of my Nana.  She was a grand old age of 97.  Sadly, in recent years had been suffering with dementia so not the lady we all knew when she was in her prime.

I often thought of her a bit like the Queen.  She was incredibly glamourous and her appearance was always immaculate.  She could put me to shame with that.  She wore high heels with the best of them, loved champagne and could still do the “Can-Can” at 70 years old.

She had been very frail and weak in recent years and we always thought she would pass before my Grandad.   This turned out not to be the case, he passed 14 months earlier.  We all thought she might catch him up must faster than she did, so we were all prepared for her passing.

However, nothing could have prepared me for what I experienced as she passed and I want to share this with you, as there is a very important message within it.

We had been told Nana was on end of life care and it could be a few hours or a few days before she passed.  It was that anxious time waiting for the phone to ring, hoping we would be there in time.

I have been with my other grandparents up to near the time of their passing but never right to the end, so this was a total new experience for me.


Following My Guidance

I woke up the Thursday morning and ask my Guides would it be today, I was told no.  However, when I asked on the Friday they said yes.

Now I need to be honest with you.  I am really good at getting guidance for others and I have a very high accuracy rate.  However, when I ask for myself I often doubt what I am getting, especially on something so important.

I knew I had to trust my guides and tell my Dad (who by the way is not spiritual).  I did and we decided to go down and be with Nana.

There was just me and Dad in the room for the first few hours and I asked him did he want me to tell him what I was seeing.  He said yes.  It was hard to see Nana like that and I don’t want to give you too many personal details.  What I do want to say is she was calling out for Grandad, you could hear her say Bob and lift her hand as if she was reaching for him.

Even the carers agreed that is what she was saying in her very weak and frail voice.  I explained to Dad that with my clairvoyance I could see a black rectangle box.  I had never seen this before and in the top left hand corner I could see a sparkly white light, really bright. I bit like when children draw the sun in the corner of a paper.  I felt that the light would grow and cover the darkness of the shape I was seeing.  I felt when that happened Nana would pass.

I explained all this to my Dad as we sat talking to Nana.  When she was reaching out with her hand to my Grandad I told her to reach with her mind not her hand and flow and go.  I was also aware of Grandad’s energy coming and going. Like I say I have never been in that position before and it felt so peaceful and natural to bring this information through that I was experiencing.

As I sat there I called in the Angels in particular Archangel Raphael who helps with pain and Archangel Azreal who helps people pass over.  Each time I closed my eyes all I could see was Angel wings, I have never seen as many in a small space before.

As the afternoon went on I kept telling Dad how full the box was getting 20, 45, 60 and then at 75% we called the rest of the family to come.

By the time we got to 90% white light started to come out of my hands and surrounded Nana in a bubble.  I could only see this with my clairvoyance and I could also sense my Grandad’s energy much stronger now in the top left of this bubble. As his energy became stronger something amazing started to happen.

I could see the soul start to come out of my Nana’s body.  It was lifting only a little bit at first.  It wasn’t even it was as if some bits where still stuck.  It kept going freeing its self more each time it lifted. It looked like a hazy energy.  As this happened my Granddad’s energy went to the same hazy appearance and as his energy came down as Nana’s energy went up and they merged into one and she passed.


The Most Incredible Experience

Like I said it was the most incredible experience of my life and taught me so much. In fact the greatest gift my Grandparents have even given me.  I have always known we are all one, but not really understood it till I actually saw it for myself.

I honestly don’t think if it had been another family member that came through it would have been any different.  Obviously they had a special bond after all they were married for 70 plus years.  If it had been anyone else, I think that hazy energy would have still happened.  We are all connected, we came from spirit, we are spirit and we return back to spirit.

Whilst we think of our loved ones that have passed over looking down on us in the same form we knew them, actually everything is just energy.

Thank you for reading this and if you would like to meet your Guardian Angel, you can download my free meditation below.



Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic” is a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love. Amanda teaches them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Amanda is also a Natural Healer, Reiki Master, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist,  Time Line™  Practitioner and an International Best-Selling Author who has featured on television, radio and is a columnist for Fate & Fortune Magazine.  Amanda is the creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process that she teaches in her membership club. Amanda also runs 5 * Angels in Anglesey Exclusive Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Bootcamp plus various online programmes and 1:1 work encompassing Angels, Spiritual Development and the Universal Laws.


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