How To Get Back In Alignment

How To Get Back In Alignment

I fell out of alignment on Monday this week, yes, even I have ‘off’ days.  So I thought I’d share with you how I got back into alignment.

As most of you know, I am a master manifester, I’m loud and proud of this fact and I’m happy to say I’m a little addicted to manifesting.  I always remember to enjoy the journey to my manifestation as there are so many gems of knowledge and experience along the way.  

I usually do my admin on a Monday, the things I love to do, having outsourced the stuff I don’t enjoy doing. Plus, this is the day I do my email readings.  But this week I was shoving and pushing and I just didn’t know what was going on.


Cutting Myself Some Slack

At first, I blamed the full moon energy, thinking it had caught up with me and that I was feeling affected by that, so I cut myself some slack.  Now, this is not something I would have done even just twelve months ago.  Twelve months ago I would have battled through and not produced my best blog post and written really rubbish newsletter.  I would have done everything I advise you not to do.  I would have stuck with it because it’s Monday and I ‘have’ to work!

Instead, I thought “What do I essentially have to do today?”.  I had my VAT bill to pay so I got that paid.  I then looked at the rest of my list and knew that the Blog post and newsletter could wait.  I checked in on my 1:1 clients and my Facebook groups.

I also really listened to myself to understand what I needed that day.  One was go to the coast but there wasn’t a lot of time for me to do that, two was to sit in my hot tub, which I love and I do spend a lot of time in there, but I just wasn’t feeling it on Monday and three was to sit on the sofa and watch a film.  This is something I rarely do.  I will happily sit down to journal or meditate but I very rarely watch TV.  

But I really just wanted to sit and watch a film, zone out and understand why I was feeling so crappy because nothing in my life had changed since Sunday, everything was still good, but I just wasn’t feeling it, I wasn’t feeling in alignment with what I wanted.



I know this happens to us all from time to time.  We wake up and wonder what’s taken over us as we are not in our happy bubble anymore.  However, we cannot be happy all the time as we wouldn’t know anything else.  Happy would be our default mode so we wouldn’t truly appreciate how great happy feels because we’ve not experienced the sadness, the disappointment, the annoyance or whatever else is going on for us at the time.  

It’s important to have balance and when we are out of alignment like I was on Monday, we focus on the lack of something we don’t have.  There are always things we are working on manifesting, for me at the moment it is my 2018 retreat dates.  It is the first time I have organised them all in one go as I usually organise them by season.  This time I have released them all in one go and I felt great about this over the weekend, I was excited about them, especially as three places had already been booked on them, but the overwhelm hit me on Monday as I focused on the fifteen places I still had to sell and I freaked out!  

All of this became apparent to me when I took myself away from my desk, sat on the sofa with my journal and allowed my head to go where it needed to go, to process what was going on for me.  I also called in my Angels to support me.


By following this process I realised that I was focusing on selling those remaining fifteen places and this felt overwhelming to me and had put me in a yucky place.  However, as soon as I acknowledged all of this I realised how ridiculous this was and that my ego had kicked in saying “Oo, that’s a lot of places to sell” and “People are not going to want to come on those!” which was really holding me back.  By journalling and focusing on the abundance of what I want instead of the lack, I got myself back into alignment.  I’d already sold three places over the weekend without having fully released the retreat dates and information to my full list yet.



In conclusion, remember not to fight, be accepting of the good moods and the bad, process what is going on for you and do some self-care.  Give yourself the time you need to get back into alignment to enable what you truly want to manifest, and in case you were wondering, yes, I also watched a film.


Click here if you’d like to watch the Confessions of a Psychic video on this topic:


If you can relate to this, I’d love for you to comment below.

If you would like the Angels to help you with your manifesting, download my FREE Manifesting With Your Angels meditation.


Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic” is a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love. Amanda teaches them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Amanda is also a Natural Healer, Reiki Master, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist,  Time Line™  Practitioner and an International Best-Selling Author who has featured on television, radio and is a columnist for Fate & Fortune Magazine.  Amanda is the creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process that she teaches in her membership club. Amanda also runs 5 * Angels in Anglesey Exclusive Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Bootcamp plus various online programmes and 1:1 work encompassing Angels, Spiritual Development and the Universal Laws.


Taking your Manifesting from fizzle to sizzle!

If you are ready for more support CLICK HERE to check out my latest FREE resources.  


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