Dear Geoff
Sometimes it surprises me how long it takes me to remember to ask you for the help I need. I am sure this must amuse you.
The other evening it took at least two hours of racking my brain and looking in various places, for the disc for the printer to set up the new broadband. I was started to get very annoyed with myself as I just couldn’t remember where I had last put it.
It wasn’t until I was going up to bed and I thought, ‘I know I will ask Geoff’. It only took by the time I got to the top of the stairs for you to drop into my head exactly where it was. Of course I went to check immediately and there it was.
So as ever, big thanks for your Angel signs, just wished I had remembered to ask earlier, I really should know better.
With love and thanks as always
A x

Don’t forget to ask for the help you need and your Angel signs will come.
Geoff is my Guardian Angel, strange name I know but that is one of the wonderful things about Angels they will communicate how you need it. Mine knows I can’t remember names, but Geoff works for me because there are two people in the family called Geoff! I have two blogs, but this one is all about the things I ask for help with and the way he communicates with me and his Angel signs. I hope by taking a peek into my Angel Diary it will help you work with your Angel. A x