All the talk about 21 December 2012, it has been building for years. Long before I even knew about it. There has even been mentions of it being ‘the end of the world’. But what does it all mean?
I know for me this year seems to have flown by and before we know it we will be on the dreaded date, so what should we expect? Do we all have a part to play?
These are the questions I asked my “Upstairs”……… the following is what they told me.
Age in this life time does not matter, it is the age of your soul and your that dictates what we will experience. Some people are young souls and have their first time on this planet, they are unlikely to realise anything and are closed to this kind of development. Older souls will already be experiencing the changes, the energy shifts that have been occurring and will have felt them. There is a lot of clearing and cutting away the dead wood going on at the moment. Both in a material, physical and emotional way. This is why so many people are making big changes in their lives, doing things they never thought they would. They are awakening and we are in the period of awakenment. This simply means more people are working in the light, ignoring the dark focusing on the good in life, realising there is more than we can see with just our naked eyes. Communication with other realms is becoming easier. I believe this has to be a good thing, it certainly is very exciting.
The balance is shifting more people are coming to this world already carrying the light, and more people are making vast changes whilst they are here. Once we were a minority, but this is changing.
Just like technology moves on, we have to do the same, nothing scary, just changes, for those of you already open and enjoying the wonders of this fantastic world we are in, I do not need to tell you to enjoy it, you are already enjoying the journey. x