All of my work workshops, book, cards etc all comes via automatic writing, I like to call it my Angelic Downloads, it often comes through the night, but never leaves me tired. I just wake with the urge to get pencil to paper and it just starts to flow. I have recently been receiving all the notes for the new Invoking the Archangels workshop but knew it wasn’t finished.
This particular night they didn’t even let me get to sleep before it started. As soon as I closed my eyes lying in my bed, I was aware of an Angel, I always feel certain Angels in a certain way for example my Guardian Angel Geoff I always feel slightly behind me but on my left side, I guess you could say at a eight o’clock position, but this Angel appeared at what I can only described as at ten o’clock position. He looked like a biblical image, he was holding something and a very pale creamy yellow colour, but their also seem a hint of aqua around him too.
He told me he was helping me with love and compassion to others and his name was Archangel Azrael. I have to say I was a little concerned because I knew he was the Angel of Death and the thought did go through my head, would I not be waking up tomorrow. But then he made it clear that was not why he was around me, he also indicated it was the end of something and the start of something knew, which made complete sense to me with how my life is at the moment.
He told me he was in charge of the Akashic records and that was what he was holding; it is also known as the Book of Life. There was quite possibly more he told me but I did not take it in as I was blown away with that information and lay there in shock until I eventually dropped off to sleep and thankfully woke again the next morning.
Let me explain why I was so shocked. A couple of weeks ago I had been on a spiritual art workshop, with some other lovely ladies and during this workshop as often happens lots of information comes to light for each other.
I was told in a previous life I had wrote in of the Book of Life, I didn’t even know what it really was, but it turns out that it is a list of everyone who is incarnated on the earth. Now I had Archangel Azrael with me who was in charge of it, well they do say there is no co-incidences! I call it Angel Magic.