How to ask the Angels for help

Why do the Angels not answer?
We all have Angels from day one until the day we pass over, we know that right?
They can’t help us until we ask, we know that too? So we ask.
So how come when we ask do they not answer?

How to ask the Angels for help:

When we ask our Angels for help it is about surrendering the problem or issue, giving it over to them to fix it. Not about telling them how to do it.

It is about having total trust that they will resolve it how they see fit. This will always be for the highest good of all.
No wonder so many think the Angels are not answering because they are not solving the problem how you want them to or how you think they will.

This is how we get in our own way and block the help that is there for us.

My House

My House

It is about stepping back, working with trust and as often when we are in the middle of issue we can’t see the wood for the trees.
I know myself when I needed a new house. I had found what I thought was our perfect house and asked the Angels to help me get it as I knew other people were interested too. However, it never happened. That was because an even better house was coming along but I didn’t know that when I received the news we had lost it. I couldn’t see what was coming along, I was just upset. You can imagine should anyone have said that something better was coming along I would not have believed it because my heart was set on that house and all I could feel was disappointment. I was even cross at “The Upstairs” for not helping me. However, something much better did come along, something I could never had imagined would be so amazing.

The same happened when Janet came to see me. Not really knowing about Angels but keeping an open mind, when she was stuck in traffic jam and texted me to say she would be late. I replied telling her to ask her Angels. She was not sure what they could do because she was on the M6 with two lanes closed and the third going nowhere. But she gave it a go and asked in way to keep it open to possibilities. Five minutes later she was back up to 70mph.

So next time you think about asking, remember it is about How to ask the Angels for help before you dismiss them and think that the Angels are not answering your requests.

Maybe it is because you are getting in the way of the outcome. Try asking in a more open way and just release your problem to them, for them to fix how they see as the best. After all they can see the bigger picture.

If you want to develop your relationship meditation is always going to be the key.  My Angel Awareness Meditation CD will allow you to meet your Guardian Angel and heal with the Archangels, you can find a MP3 version in my Angel Shop and start meditating today.  Click here to find out more.

A x

Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic” is a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundant life that they love. Amanda teaches them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. Amanda is also a Natural Healer, Reiki Master, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist,  Time Line™  Practitioner and an International Best-Selling Author who has featured on television, radio and is a columnist for Fate & Fortune Magazine.  Amanda is the creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process that she teaches in her membership club. Amanda also runs 5 * Angels in Anglesey Exclusive Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Bootcamp plus various online programmes and 1:1 work encompassing Angels, Spiritual Development and the Universal Laws.


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