Don’t speak ill of the dead
Don’t speak ill of the dead, it is disrespectful we are told. But is it ok to speak ill of the living? Is that not disrespectful too?
When people pass over, why is it then we can see the good in them? They may have drove us crazy when they were here, but now we can talk about the good in them, cutting them the slack we perhaps should have done when they were still here. Understanding them more, why they behaved the way they did.
Seems a missed opportunity to me. Why wait till their passing, we are missing out on so much.
Whether we are here in human form or back in spirit form, we are still real, still existing and can still experience things, after all life is eternal.
But don’t wait for someone to have passed and then have regret about how you treated them, or they treated you, maybe perhaps not said what you wanted to.
Start today, with the help of your Angels understanding more what is going on for that other person, not being as judgemental, or opinionated. Everyone’s opinion is valid and true to them. We all just experience life differently.
What a shame we don’t speak and think about people as if they have passed over now whilst they are still here, seeing their good points, being more understanding of their behaviour. Accepting them as they are, we are all individual.
By doing so, it does not just give them an easier time, and we should want everyone to have an easier time, but this includes us too. By focusing on their better side, their good points, the things you like about them will make it show up more. It is Law of Attraction. What we focus on we get more of.
If you are expecting them to be grumpy, hard work, untidy and rude that’s the side of them you will get to see. However, if you think of the things you like or love about them you will see more of that.
It works through the whole of your life. Expect hassle and problems, get hassle and problems. Expect ease and things working out, get ease and things working out.
So don’t leave it too late, the past is behind, the future ahead.
Now is all we have and what you are focusing on now is what will arrive in your future, you have the power to change it and what shows up for you.
So why not give everyone a greater understanding, we are not in their shoes, have had their experiences, or are indeed them. We are all wonderfully individual, we are all at different levels of soul development, but being the nicest person you can be, to all you come across from your family and loved ones, to just people you encounter in day to day life. Send out unconditional love to all, accepting them as they are, valuing them a person.
So when the time comes for their passing, you will be valuing them just as you did before, we are all beautiful souls, just sometimes is takes a bit of finding.