There is More To Life Than We Can See

Are you feeling lost?
Feeling disconnected from your Angels and Guides can make you feel very lost. You might be searching for something but you don’t even know what that is.
You might know you have some ability but unsure how to develop it? Or, you might get signs or messages but how do you know when it is you making it up or a message for real?
It is simple to connect
This programme will help you understand your own energy first, then move you through all the stages so you can fully connect with your Angels and Spirit Guides.
It will build your trust in your own abilities and connections. So you can eliminate self-doubt.
Fully connect with “The Upstairs”
This programme will start you with the absolute basics of grounding and protection. This is something you should do before each meditation. In fact, even if you don’t meditate, you will feel the benefits of this just within life, it will help you be more aware of your energy and how it is affected.
More to Life is downloadable MP3 programme that will
fast track your development
The programme then moves you through all 8 meditations:
You don’t have to do this alone.
Start Connecting Today.
You can buy now by clicking the button below:
Normal Price £199
Special Offer Price £22
The very first time I listened to the meditation I got to meet my Guardian Angel. The feeling is indescribable and I hope everyone else gets to experience it too. The meditation is straight to the point and most definitely works. Thank you so much for sharing this x.
Suitable for busy lives
They are all short meditations since we all have busy lives. Each is no longer than 15 minutes, but it will be the most beneficial 15 minutes of each day.
I have always wanted to develop, but didn’t know how. This was so easy, I have met my Angel and my Guides and now connect with them daily. Thank you for making it simple.
More To Life Programme comes with:

These meditations will really fast track your development, not to mention heal lots of issues too.
There will be no music just my voice leading and guiding you into your development.
It even has meditation to help you discover your own past lives. This you can do time and time again to give you a greater understanding of this life.
One lady who had always had a fear of water in this life found in one of her past lives she had been drowned. After doing this meditation and healing with the Bonus Mediation included she was able to go on to have swimming lessons.
You can buy now by clicking the button below:
Retail Price – £199
Special Offer Price £22
Know if the messages are from your Angels, Guides or even your Ego!
Know when it is your Angels or your Guided or even your ego! So you can have effective and beneficial meditations.