Work 1:1 with me to transform your life in 12 weeks to one filled with ease, harmony and blissful abundance.
Transform your life in 12 weeks (though most clients feel much better from the first session.
Experience support, guidance, strength, peace and calmness in your daily life.
Clear your blocks and limiting beliefs so you can have the life you want.
Feel connected with your inner guidance, develop your intuition and get excited about life, knowing you can trust your gut instinct.
I will support you one-to-one and channel the guidance you need. This is the deepest support you can get for the transformation of your life. And it can all be done via phone or Zoom.
“…allowing more money to flow into my life has been changed…”
Why do I do this work?
I understand the difference Angels can make in your life and I believe in Law of Attraction work.
I believe Law of Attraction works. I think it is incredible how you can make things turn up. I read The Secret and loved it. I was on a high thinking I could literally think of something and it would turn up!
Though, I soon discovered this was not always the case. I had blocks and limiting beliefs that stood in my way. It was one thing manifesting something little, but the big stuff was just as impossible as ever.
That was until I learnt to connect with my Angels on a level that still totally blows my mind. When you combine Law of Attraction, Angels and Spiritual Development, that is when the magic really starts to happen. It is what I call the The Power of THREE.
When you do this you receive emotional support, clear your blockages and feel connected, which this leads to your dreams really coming true. When you are in alignment this happens fast, almost instantly – this is why most clients see results from the first session.
When you work one-to-one with me, you get my full support and far more than I can possibly include in my other programmes.
Your lessons in life become easier. You feel supported by ‘The Upstairs’ like you have never experienced before and life becomes magical for you.
Imagine getting support with emotional issues, the strength to cope, and the ability to stay calm whatever life brings along. Feeling really loved, cared for, happier, safer and more confident.
“…After 2 weeks my life has turned around…”
I am so passionate about my work because the Angels have turned my life around. I found my Angels when I was going through my divorce. They got me through one of the worst periods in my life. They kept me going, and gave me the help I needed just to get through each day and to hold it together for my children. Piecing my life back together, getting a new job and bringing me the finances I needed. There were some really dark days back then and I know my Angels saved me and brought me through them.
I would like to say that it was then happy ever after, but this is life and since my divorce I have experienced lots of times when I have leaned heavily on my Angels. As a single parent with two fantastic children, I joke that they were brought up on Angels, but the reality is much closer to the truth than anyone would ever think!
Day-to-day life was made easier – stopping the children from squabbling, sleeping better, getting through their tantrums when they were younger. I also learnt to be able to ask for help for them too.
Whilst they are grown up now, I am sure they used to shout “Angels” before they shouted “Mum”. They might not tell their friends they use their Angels daily, but I know they do.
They have been brought up knowing that their Angels should always be their first point of call before doing anything. They are there for good times and bad. When you work with your Angels everything becomes so much easier and far more fun.
I have also had illnesses to contend with, some quiet serious that have threatened my life. Thankfully, all is a lot better now. However, in all of this, I have found peace and happiness, and not only have I discovered my ‘Upstairs’ but I have discovered myself too.
I want this for you. I want you to know that you have a whole host of help waiting to support you. Angels, Spirit Guides, Helpers, Spirit People, the list is long. Nothing spooky or scary, no ghost hunts, just living in harmony with Spirit for an easier and supported life. Understanding your own energy and how you work. Developing your intuition and feeling connected, alive and excited about life.
Combine Angels and Law of Attraction and boy you get powerful manifestations that happen really fast. Whatever you want to manifest – new love, work, money, health – it is all possible and easier than you think.
Your Angels have been with you since day one and they know everything about you and still love you unconditionally. We are no Angels; they know we came to earth for lessons. When you tap into this, you have all the support you could possibly want to create a life you have only dreamed about.
I went from living in an ex-council house to living in an amazing 16th Century Farm House with 3 acres of land that won ITV’s May The Best House Win. It took me two weeks to manifest my dream car – My Range Rover Evoque.
All the materialistic stuff is fab, but the sense of peace and ease I have in my life is priceless. This is why I do what I do. I want you to experience this support. I want to work with as many people as I can so they can step up, shine, and live their potential. So that they have a life they love and bounce out of bed in the morning excited about what lies ahead because they know they are in charge of their own destiny.
Life is too short not to be enjoying it. So, if this is calling out to you. If you think yes I want this, I want to feel the support of my ‘Upstairs’. If you are noticing signs but don’t know what they mean. Or, you just know there is more to life than what you can see. Let’s talk.
Maybe, you want to develop spiritually but don’t know how. Perhaps you have fears that you might be turned into some ‘woo woo’ hippy chicky dippy do dar!
Fear not, my work is down to earth, practical, fun and easy to understand but don’t take my word for it.
“…I have the power to change my entire life, it really works.”
Having only had a few sessions with Amanda over Skype, I began to really observe the limiting beliefs which were keeping me from having what I truly desired and wanted in my life. Through her program, I have become so aware of my thought patterns and I am now actively working on changing my thoughts and therefore now realize I have the power to change my entire life, it really works. I feel I have finally ‘got it’. Speaking to Amanda over Skype every two weeks has been invaluable for me to help me re-focus and keeping me on track when life has thrown me sideways. She is extremely intuitive and sent me a small note to check I was ok, when she very correctly felt I was having a wobble. Amanda – You are a rock and truly inspirational.
People work with me for lots of reasons, here are some of them:
“I was in the position of having separated from my husband, single parenting, his business, trying to juggle too much and becoming ill and run down from it. I needed guidance and reassurance that things would be ok and I would move forward positively.”
“I was launching a new business and needed help with focus and clarity. Learning to manifest the success I wanted.”
“I was very down and frustrated with not being able to sell my house and wanted support in my unhappy relationship.”
“I was struggling to move on from my ex-husband, who moved out with his mistress and baby. I found it very hard to deal with. I was bringing in negative thoughts and was feeling low and very angry about the situation.”
“I wanted to gain my power back for myself and feel more centred and to start loving myself again. I needed to understand the art of forgiving and manifesting. I did not know then how to harness that energy and turn it into something awesome for me. I wanted to change my life for the better, to get my financial situation back on track, find a job and live in a place where I and the kids can move on and I can find a new loving partner.”
“I had been getting signs but I didn’t understand them. I wanted to spiritually develop but didn’t know how. You popped up into my life just at the right time and I have been so glad to have discovered my Angels.”
“…her teaching style is fun and enjoyable…”
Amanda has taught me many things and I am so grateful to her for teaching me all about manifesting and the law of attraction. She is an amazing person and a delight to work with on so many levels. I can fully recommend working with Amanda, be it for enlightenment, guidance or learning more about how to connect with your angels and the upstairs – her teaching style is fun and enjoyable as well as reflective. I look forward to continuing to work with Amanda and develop myself more.
Whilst all my 1:1 clients work with me for lots of reasons, and they all get different results, the one thing they all say is that they are happier!
How the sessions work:

Before each session I prepare by making connection to ‘The Upstairs’, tuning into you, and getting ready anything I need such as meditations, notes, pendulums, cards, etc.
This means I am up to speed before you even make contact. However, it amuses me that sometimes, as hard as I try to prepare, I find I can’t and then I know we are on a curve ball session as I lovingly call them.
This is generally when something has come up for you that wasn’t expected. This is ok as each session will always be crafted around your needs, so whatever is going on for you, that is exactly right.
There is no plan as such but the intention is always set that you will get exactly what you need in each session and the whole programme. So whatever twists and turns you encounter in life, you can rest assured that they will all be addressed in the sessions and you will receive the support you need.
“…proving to be ‘mind blowingly’ helpful to me…”
I am currently enjoying a one-to-one programme of development which is proving to be ‘mind blowingly’ helpful to me in ratcheting up my psychic and spiritual skills. Over the years I have done quite a lot of development, but I have to say that since meeting you Amanda and engaging in this programme, your down to earth approach and humour have lightened my life! I am delighted to be continuing my journey with your support and have no hesitation in recommending your Development Programme to anyone interested in furthering their development in the spiritual and psychic world.
How I work:

Sure you will have me in our sessions, but as I am an open channel to your Angels and Spirit, you will find they respond and talk through me. You will always know when it is Spirit as my voice goes very croaky.
Whilst I also trained in Person Centred Counselling, I can’t tell you how many times I have thought that I have no idea what I am going to say. On these occasions I have learnt to step out of the way and let ‘The Upstairs’ talk through me. So as we work intuitively in each session, you will have me, and a whole host of guidance and support from ‘The Upstairs’.
“I am a different person…I can trust my own judgment!”
I started working with Amanda when I was going through my divorce. I am astonished how smoothly it has all gone. I am a different person from when I started this journey as I was unable to trust my own judgement, unsure of what was best for me. I have transformed with new confidence and recognise my own importance. I know I am responsible for my own happiness and have the tools to create it time and time again. My divorce went through with ease. I have a good relationship with my ex, it was all settled very amicably and we have remained friends. None of this would’ve been possible without this life changing work on the Happiness Generator.
“I am able to enjoy my life and earn money!”
So things have really shifted this week. Something that really,really resonated with me after our first session. It was the “fun” part of it. I realised that in my struggle I was taking everything really seriously and that I was getting so bogged down with everything. I also realised that I was just completely stuck in the “asking” part and only having small periods of time when I was allowing. Obviously as soon as I allowed things flowed but then I would get bogged down again. I think that had a lot to do with some of the groups I was in like you said. I have felt so much better since not seeing all that on my FB.
I decided to leave my part time job that I hated. I sat in mediation about as I wanted to know I was making the right decision and not just doing something in a panic. It felt really right and I already have two interviews lined up for next week. I have also manifested enough money for my rent and bills this month which is amazing! I have been asking the Angels to manifest £50 a day and guess what it’s been happening!!
I’m starting to realise that to manifest money doesn’t need to be totally hard work and I don’t need to work somewhere I hate or do things I don’t want to do. I am able to enjoy my life and earn money!
This programme is for you if you:
Want to get support from me between sessions via email and the forum.
Are ready to transform your life into what you want, spiritually develop and become an expert on your own spirituality.
Want to connect with other like-minded people on the programme, both past and present, via the forum.
Want to know that you have someone to turn to when you are having problems.
Want to be held accountable in achieving your goals.
Feel at a crossroads and need some direction.
Are spiritually baffled and confused.
“…you have helped me turn my life around”
Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help over the past few months; you are truly amazing. I cannot believe I have been one of your easiest clients (what with all the fun that goes on in my head!) but you have made the journey fun and extremely productive. All my life I have searched to know my life’s purpose and you managed to draw that out of me without any effort – incredible. I look forward to our sessions and always have fun, whilst at the same time achieving fantastic results. I can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – you have helped me turn my life around and at last I feel I am pointing in the right direction – phew!! I love your honesty, your integrity, your commitment to your clients and your sense of fun.
12 Week 1:1 Happiness Generator
I pack as much as possible into my programmes, both in our time together as your personal spiritual counsellor and in the information you will receive in the programme. You have full exclusive access to me in between sessions, by email and via the forum, whilst you are on the programme. This will fully support and fast track your transformation. You can really expect a happier you by the end of it. Working one-to-one with me means I can share far more than I can in my downloadable programmes. Plus of course, channelling any guidance as we work our way through your path to happiness.
“I manifested the perfect man for me and now engaged to be married..”
I worked with Amanda for over a year following my separation from my husband. I can’t begin to say how beneficial our sessions were. I feel that I grew spiritually and emotionally. I overcame many blocks and issues that were hampering me from moving forward. Our sessions on manifesting were a huge success, and I manifested the perfect man for me, and am now engaged to be married. I continue to follow the spiritual basics, like grounding and protecting, and I also continue to work a lot with crystals. My outlook on life has definitely changed for the better from my my work with Amanda, and I can highly recommend Amanda to anyone in need of some guidance.
“Every area of my life has improved…”
I have recently completed the Happiness Generator with Amanda. At the start I wanted many things in my life to change, my work, my home, my personal life. I wanted to feel more connected to my Angels too. Amanda said that often nothing in life needs to change but when we do this work we change and then we feel more content and happier with the life we have. I was not completely sure what she meant by this then. However, now I do. Every area of my life has improved, yet nothing as physically or practically changed, though I do have a new job interview lined up. I have loved this journey and I am continuing on to work with Amanda.
“…lots of plans for future development”
I really enjoyed working alongside Amanda, I found our sessions totally inspirational and refreshing. It was extremely helpful to have someone to work with who could introduce fresh ideas by looking at the business from a different angle. Having the opportunity to explore my interest in all things psychic within a safe and professional environment was great fun too. I completed the programme with a positive attitude and lots of plans for future development.
I have worked with Amanda for a second time and have found it just as exciting and beneficial this time round!
If you’re looking to work on another level, focus your mind, prioritise your ideas and desires, take time to reflect and look inside yourself, then Amanda is definitely your girl.
I get so much out of each session and feel the time we spend together inspires and encourages me to achieve my goals for the week, month and year ahead. It’s great to put some time aside for yourself and the long term success of your business.
Don’t just think about it, DO IT!
This is the most healing version of my Happiness Generator I have ever offered. As a Reiki Master and Natural Born Healer I weave healing into our sessions. I also can send distance healing to emotional or physical issues that come up for you in our time working together.
My clients tell me my healing gives them an instant sense of calm and relief. It helps them overcome their blocks easier.
Start your transformation today by investing in yourself. Imagine what life could be like in the next 12 weeks.
To find out more or if you have any questions regarding coaching – email me at
“Every area of my life has improved…”
I have recently completed the Happiness Generator with Amanda. At the start I wanted many things in my life to change, my work, my home, my personal life. I wanted to feel more connected to my Angels too. Amanda said that often nothing in life needs to change but when we do this work we change and then we feel more content and happier with the life we have. I was not completely sure what she meant by this then. However, now I do. Every area of my life has improved, yet nothing as physically or practically changed, though I do have a new job interview lined up. I have loved this journey and I am continuing on to work with Amanda.
My Promise – whilst this work can’t come with any guarantee, as it is a journey of discovery and knowledge that needs to be implemented, it does come with my promise of how seriously I take my work. I don’t like to overfill my diary, that way I can have enough time and energy to give each of my clients my absolute best. So if you are committed, I know I can fully support you on your journey to your dreams.
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