Amanda Tooke

  • Spiritual Teacher
  • International Psychic
  • Author
  • NLP Coach
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Practitioner of Time Line™ Therapy
  • Reiki Master & Natural Born Healer
  • Writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine
  • Angels & Law of Attraction Specialist Guide
  • Creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process

I turn the “WooWoo” into “Woohoo”

Helping you create all the success and happiness you want in life.


Lives Touched


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How you can work with me:

Abundance Club

JUST  £49 per month. Get instant access to the huge welcome bundle introducing you to The MAP. Plus this current month’s challenge. 

Create Abundance

Just £97 for 14 different manifesting routines delivered via email for 14 days so you can start attracting more abundance today.

1:1 Coaching

Transform your life in all areas with ether BLISS or the Happiness Generator using Angels, Healing, Energy, Law of Attraction & NLP.

You have an Angel ready willing and able to help you with everything, emotional and practical support like you have never imagined.

However, they can’t help you unless you ask. I want to show you how easy it is to connect and use Angels and Law of Attraction to create the life you want.

I de-mystify the “woo woo” giving you practical, fun, down to earth guidance,
so you can experience the benefits for yourself.


THE MAP (Manifesting Abundance Process) to create the life you want.

It combines a very special combination of Law of Attraction, Angels and Spiritual Development.

This is the ABC for a spiritually abundant life.


A – is for Angels who give you the inner peace and help you manifest by having head and heart in harmony.


B – is for Beliefs this is Law of Attraction, it is about creating beliefs that serve you, so you can manifest the life you want and not block yourself.


C – is for your Connections, understanding your guidance as when we manifest it is not just a case of asking for something and expecting it to turn up, we have to follow our inspired guidance.
This special combination gives you the POWER OF THREE with your manifesting

Download my Free Meditation 

Pick A Card For Instant Guidance

I have worked with Amanda for a second time and have found it just as exciting and beneficial this time around!

Lee Dancy

Working with Amanda has been an absolute pleasure hence me keep signing up for more!

Helen Owen

When using The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process combining the Power of Three – Angels, Law Of Attraction & your own Spiritual Development this really can equal your dreams coming true.