Attract Your Ideal Partner The Angels Way

  • Do relationships keep failing?
  • Does history keep repeating itself?
  • Do your relationships start off well and then all end up the same?
  • Do you want to attract a new loving relationship?
  • Are you sick of being single?
  • Are you looking for love but fear it will never come?
Don’t worry, in my Attraction programme we will look at how you can heal from past relationships and manifest a new one with your perfect partner. You will learn to use the simple principles of Law of Attraction combined with your Angel’s support to help you emotionally so that you can easily manifest the love you desire. There is someone for everyone and yet it can seem so hard to find the perfect match. You might have been on your own a long time and almost resided yourself to a single life. Or just out come out of a difficult relationship breakdown and know you can do this on your own.

It can feel scary and lonely but it doesn’t need to be

Imagine feeling support from your Angels whilst you work through some essential healing, so you can get yourself in the right place to attract the love you deserve.

What Attraction covers:

What is manifesting and does it work? How to manifest love with your Angels? The language the Universe understands Learn how to visualize to create your ideal partner faster Work with self love Increase self-esteem and confidence Understand the importance of gratitude Establish and clear your limiting beliefs and blockages Heal from past relationships and cut cords Work with un-conditional love Learn to forgive so you can set yourself free Get really clear on what you want from a new relationship Prepare your home ready for love

Does this all sound too easy?

It is easy and amazing to work with your Angels and to create whatever you desire in life.  Love is easily achievable when you start really loving and valuing yourself.

Your Angels’ love is unconditional.  When you come to understand this and experience it, your love for yourself grows. When that happens, law of attraction kicks in as like attracts like.

So if you love and value yourself and you will attract someone who loves and values you.

Start today and your new love can be with you tomorrow

My Attraction programme is downloadable in a PDF form (approx. 5200 words) Filled with everything you need to heal from your past relationships and attract your new one. It has thought provoking questions throughout to make you really clear on what has happened, why and how to move forward to get what you really want in your next relationship. As soon as you purchase you get an email with a link to download the programme material.

You can buy now by clicking the button below:



Start this new exciting chapter in your life

My Angels are looking after me. I have met a lovely guy after doing your programme, I got exactly what I order. It is early days, but I can’t believe how quick it worked. Thank you, Amanda I couldn’t have done it without your help.
Rebecca Dawson

You don’t have to do this alone

Easy to read and follow Amanda! I’ll let you know when to get your hat ready 🙂 fabulous thanks!


Imagine how life would be to have a partner who you loved as much as they loved you and you could share the rest of your life with.

You can buy now by clicking the button below:

