Amanda Tooke

Amanda Tooke

The Spiritual Teacher & NLP Manifestation Coach

  • International Psychic
  • International Bestselling Author of The Manifesting Manual
  • NLP Coach
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Practitioner of Time Line™ Therapy
  • Reiki Master & Natural Born Healer
  • Writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine
  • Creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process
  • Certified Business Strategist

I am a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, helping stuck, confused women create a spiritually connected and abundance life that they love. I teach them to use Universal Laws and Energy to unblock their fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding them back.

I turn the “WooWoo” into “Woohoo”

How you can work with me:




Angel Readers

Spiritual Retreats

Alice and Twinkle

Spiritual Bootcamp



Angel Readings

You have an Angel ready willing and able to help you with everything, emotional and practical support like you have never imagined.

However, they can’t help you unless you ask. I want to show you how easy it is to connect and use Angels and Law of Attraction to create the life you want.

I de-mystify the “woo woo” giving you practical, fun,
down to earth guidance,
so you can experience the benefits for yourself.


THE MAP (Manifesting Abundance Process) to create the life you want.

It combines a very special combination of Law of Attraction, Angels and Spiritual Development.

This is the ABC for a spiritually abundant life.


A – is for Angels who give you the inner peace, strength and guidance you need.  Helping you manifest by keeping your head and heart in harmony with your desires.


B – is for Beliefs this is Law of Attraction in action, as we always manifest what we believe to be true. It is about creating beliefs match what you want so you don’t get in your own way.


C – is for your Connections, as you are not manifesting on your own. Understanding your Angel’s means you can confidently follow your inspired guidance to your desires.
This special combination gives you the POWER OF THREE with your manifesting

Join me on Social Media

The Angel Mystic
The Angel Mystic1 Day ago
Join me, Amanda Tooke – The Angel Mystic, for a FREE 3-day manifesting training starting TOMORROW!

In Manifesting with Your Angels, I’ll reveal the #1 thing you must do and the #1 thing to avoid when manifesting. Plus, I’ll show you how to manifest effectively in just 20 minutes a day!

This is your chance to learn how to co-create your dream life with ease!

🌟 Secure your spot now and let’s manifest miracles together! 🌟

When using The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process combining the Power of Three – Angels, Law Of Attraction & your own Spiritual Development this really can make your personal and business dreams come true.

Dawn Davies Coaching Testimonial

It has been life changing. Having a 16 week programme of coaching has been a wonderful time process to go through.   

The time line therapy at the beginning was a super liberating experience. I seemed a confident person but held myself back from expanding my opportunities and having fun in my life.  Today I have a much deeper level of understanding who I am and the happiness and confidence within me to put myself first, and  not thinking about what others think. I am now in the process of changing my lifestyle with my new found confidence on a business that I have been keeping to one side for so many years.  Amanda has given me her time, inspiration, training and coaching with love, patience and kindness. She has wanted to champion me in unlocking the best version of me out of me that she can. I am so thrilled that I took this opportunity and invested in myself. 

I have learned new techniques with Amanda which have been bespoke for me. This is where the one to ones are wonderful. Each session is looking at my own issue and what we can do to manifest and empower me for my future self. 

I realise now that I have in the past create my own blocks in life. Amanda has worked through these blockages with me. It has given me a deeper level of understanding. I have let them go.   Having a 16 week programme has enabled this process to be ingrained in me. I have the tools to deal with potential future blockages. I am continually moving forward in my career and my fun time. 

Amanda makes these session fun and light, the angels are with us and I can highly recommend this training process. You wouldn’t regret it. 

My life has improved within my home life and my working life. I have had more fun and life no longer passes me by I am seeing opportunities and taking them. 

Thank you Amanda thank you Angels x