Bringing Out the Woo in You
Amanda Tooke “The Angel Mystic” Spiritual Teacher, International Best-Selling Author & Writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine invites you to her new FREE Spiritual Training.
Bringing Out The "Woo" In You Extensive Free Spiritual Training
Summer 2021, 19 July - 26 July
I’m so excited to be doing this brand new training to help on your spiritual journey and embrace your inner woo.

Step out of your spiritual closet and join me for a...
Fun filled, comprehensive spiritual training, so you can understand yourself at a deeper level and connect into the guidance that is already waiting for you.
Learn the importance of energy work and how to protect your energy.
Understand your spiritual team and who they may be.
Work out what connection skills you naturally have and learn to use them daily.
Join me for a live meditation to meet your main Spirit Guide.
I honestly believe if you don’t tap into your Spiritual Team and use their guidance throughout life, you are missing out on so much and making life much harder for yourself.

But, I understand it can feel overwhelming and often you don’t know how to even start. If this is you, this FREE training is going to be such a great fit for you.

I have so much to share with you in this awesome training that will transform your life just like having my spirit team in my life has transformed mine.

The free training changed my life....yes CHANGED MY LIFE! The content was amazing and so informative, you feel enlightened and all those negative thoughts evaporate. Amanda thank you, thank you, thank you.

~ Tasha Hamiliton
It has been so incredible connecting with my Angel it has changed my life.  I love knowing I am not on my own and have their support.

~Cynthia Baker
Thank you for delivering the free masterclass.  It's a game-changer and "reset" is exactly how I feel now.

~ Keyleigh Griffiths

Thank you Amanda, learning to connect with the upstairs as you call it feels like the missing bit in my life.

~Susan Jones

I loved your training.  I've learnt so much from you.  I feel a lot clearer on how to move forward.

~ Louise Babington

I have learnt so much in one week I can't thank you enough.

~Louise Withers
Amanda Tooke

I make connecting with the Angels simple, fun and down to earth

  • Spiritual Teacher
  • International Psychic
  • International Best Selling Author
  • NLP Coach
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Practitioner of Time Line™ Therapy
  • Reiki Master & Natural Born Healer
  • Writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine
  • Angels & Law of Attraction Specialist Guide
  • Creator of The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Process

I turn the “WooWoo” into “Woohoo”

Helping you create all the success and happiness you want in life.

I am passionate about people embracing their spiritual side and their inner “woo”. That is because I found my Angels going through a really difficult period in my life and they got me through it with tremendous ease and a huge sense of inner peace.

I found their support magical beyond anything I could have imagined was possible. Even if at first I doubted them and didn’t want to tell anyone I was talking to my Angels, after all I thought they would think I was mad!

My relationship got so confident and strong with my Angels and “The Upstairs”  I got to the point I didn’t care what others thought because their impact in my life was so incredible.

That was in 2000 and I have been professionally helping other connect since 2009 everything changes when you have your Angels in your life.

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