Abundance Reset 2

25th - 28th October 2021

Reset your energetic flow and tap into your natural abundance so you can manifest what you really desire .

If life has been feeling a bit uphill and sticky.

Things not really working out or, worse still, your manifesting has hit the deck and nothing is happening the way you want.

Abundance Reset is just what you need to turn things around and get ABUNDANCE flowing in your direction.

You didn’t come into this life to struggle, so let’s get you tapping into the natural flow of abundance that is already yours.

Join me in my Abundance Reset 2021 - 4 Day FREE Training.



So stuck in the overwhelm of how you are feeling that you don't even know what you really want anymore?


Struggling to manifest even the simpliest of things, and wondering where you are going wrong?


Aware of the possibility of manifesting but don't really know how to do it properly?


Able to manifest parking spaces and other small things but the things you really want never seem to appear?

Sick and tired of feeling unhappy and making do, whilst watching other people live the life you want?
Know deep down that there is more to life, but don't know how to make it happen?

Ready to learn simple strategies that you can easily use to gain consistency and momentum in your manifesting - even in the busiest lives?

If so, you need to get yourself signed up for this FREE training NOW!


4 Common mistakes that people make when learning to manifest that bring them more of what they don't want (and how to avoid them)
3 Key Strategies to align your energy to what you desire that will help you to easily manifest in super fast time
The Secret to creating a good solid manifesting practice even if your life is chaotically busy
My Easy to follow blueprint to getting so clear on what you desire that the universe can't help but give it to you
The One Crucial insight to transform your vibration in an instant and attract what you have always wanted

Whatever your current experience with manifesting Is, if you are serious about having an ABUNDANT, FULFILLED & HAPPY LIFE, then do not miss out on this FREE Manifesting Training


As soon as you sign up we will send you an email with all the info, but here is what you'll get each day:

Get Crystal Clear.

Lack of Clarity will block your manifesting so today we will get clear on what it is you want!

Talk Like a 3 Year Old!

Remember those little voices constantly asking why? Lets find out your why!

Flip Your Funk

Today we focus on gratitude and how that can help your manifesting.
Being Open To Receive.

Prepare yourself to accept every things that is yours!

Get Crystal Clear.

Lack of Clarity will block your manifesting so today we will get clear on what it is you want!
Talk Like a 3 Year Old!

Remember those little voices constantly asking why? Lets find out your why!

Flip Your Funk

Today we focus on gratitude and how that can help your manifesting.
Being Open To Receive.

Prepare yourself to accept every things that is yours!


When you sign up, you'll also get the chance to win some juicy prizes including:

  • A copy of Amanda's Popular Book 'Do I Have An Angel?' worth £9.99

  • A deck of Amanda's Angel Cards worth £19.99

  • A copy of Amanda's Best Selling Book - The Angel Mystic's Manifesting Manual worth £17.99

  • A Copy Of Amanda's Manifesting Journal worth £19.99

  • 6 Months Membership Access to The Abundance Club worth £294


The free training changed my life....yes CHANGED MY LIFE! The content was amazing and so informative, you feel enlightened and all those negative thoughts evaporate. Amanda thank you, thank you, thank you.

~ Tasha Hamiliton

Thank you for delivering the free masterclass and 5 day training.  It's a game-changer and "reset" is exactly how I feel now.

~ Keyleigh Griffiths

I loved your training. Especially the cuppa and catch up lives.  I've learnt so much from you.  I feel a lot clearer on how to move forward.
~ Louise Babington

I have learnt so much in one week I can't thank you enough. How to manifest, how to realign myself and understand what was blocking me, the list goes on.  Thank you again.

~Louise Withers

Superb 5 days plus extra Masterclass, loved every minute of it, thank you Amanda.

~Audra Crilley


Hi I'm Amanda and I'm really excited to support you in what I believe is going to be an unforgettable experience.

I know what it feels like to be frustrated with life and yourself when you can't get it moving in the direction you want and when you see others that can have you wondering 'why not me?'

My intention for this free immersive challenge is that you'll walk away from it understanding exactly what you need to do to manifest all the abundance you desire and I'll also be giving you a step by step strategy to manifest in any area of your life.

Are you ready?

Sign up below to get started

Amanda Tooke - The Angel Mystic

Amanda Tooke, also known as “The Angel Mystic”.  Amanda is a Spiritual Life Coach & Healer specialising in Angels and Law of Attraction.

She enjoys bringing fun to spirituality and making laughter part of her work as when you are laughing you are allowing.  Which is really important when using LOA. She is a Reiki Master and natural healer, who has seen spirit since a child.  The Angels have also helped her to get over life threatening illness and basically transform her life from a single mum on benefits to winner of ITV ’s May The Best House Win.  She has appeared on  Channel 4's TV show called The Hotel, doing one of her Angel Shows.

She is an amazing manifester and has manifested houses, free cruises, holidays, 2 Range Rover cars, private number plate, hot tub and an amazing lifestyle.  All her stories inspire others to make changes in their mindset and to use their Angels to manifest what they want. She teaches this her Private Manifesting Club called Abundance Club, where she teaches others The MAP – Manifesting Abundance Practice which is a solid daily spiritual and manifesting practice that fits into the busiest of lives.  

Whilst she has manifested many amazing things and still does, for her the ultimate manifestation is inner peace which she experiences each day.  Abundance to her is having more than enough of whatever you want and she loves to support others to manifest the life they want too.

She is a Fate & Fortune Columnist, Author and creator of her own Angel Cards, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist & Practitioner of Time Line™ Therapy.

Turning the Woowoo into Woohoo in your life.

Amanda has been helping others manifest more abundance, happiness and success in their lives for the last 10 years.

    Copyright © The Angel Mystic Ltd 2021